Explain what you like or admire about the work

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131559560

Baroque Style" Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

Listen to one (1) composition that demonstrates the qualities of the Baroque musical style. It may be from the Websites below or from this week's Music Folder.

Identify your choice, and describe it by relating key terms from the textbook to your selection.

Explain what you like or admire about the work. Compare it to a modern soundtrack or song that evokes a similar mood.

Select two (2) Baroque style paintings from the Websites below that no other student has selected. Identify each as to artist, date, and title or description.

From the summaries of the Baroque style's features in our class text, identify specific key aspects of each painting that fit the Baroque style.

Explain why you selected each and what you like or dislike about it. Compare this style to a modern film, type of film, or to a modern situation.

Attachment:- Explore.rar

Reference no: EM131559560

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