Explain what types of surveillance methods

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133214768

1. Explain what consumables and spares you may want to carry in a surveillance vehicle that relate to the mechanical operations of the vehicle?

2. What solution can you suggest to ensure good visibility through the car windows when stationary in the rain.

3. You've done surveillance in one location for three days running and you feel residents are becoming suspicious. Suggest solutions.

4. Explain what types of surveillance methods you could use?

5. Explain how the internal layout of the surveillance vehicle should be arranged. Think about both comfort and equipment?

6. Explain what the surveillance equipment may include when setting up the surveillance vehicle

7. Explain how you would secure the surveillance equipment in the surveillance vehicle. Think about both driving and leaving the vehicle unattended?

8. Explain why it is important to have easy access to stores and equipment contained within a vehicle during a surveillance operation?

9. Explain what stores may include when conducting a surveillance covert operation?

10. Explain what should happen when confronted by any driving hazards whilst operating a surveillance vehicle?

11. Explain how the surveillance vehicle should be driven during a surveillance operation?

12. Explain how you would position the surveillance vehicle during a surveillance operation? Invent a scenario.

13. Identify the relevant legislative Section and Part which governs the use of listening devices in each of NSW, Victoria and WA.

14. You are required to attend your local court (or if you are unable to do so due to current Covid restrictions, please search for a trial or court matter on YouTube (USA is fine if you cannot locate an Australian matter) and spend at least one hour observing this court matter. Preferably when a witness is giving evidence. Please provide an outline of one of the matters you observed. Provide a summary of the case you witnessed and tell us some of the important points you learnt from the court attendance. If you have appeared at court in the past or observed a court matter in progress then you can use this example in your answer.

Reference no: EM133214768

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