Reference no: EM133836096
The paper chosen for this critique is - PROVIDE THE TITLE USING THE Harvard-WSU Referencing Style
2.1. Objectives of the Paper and Research Methodology
2.2. Main Findings of the Paper
Gaps, Limitations, and Weaknesses
Topic - Article is performance measures
Writing the Critique
Introduction Section
The Introduction section should discuss the importance of the theme of the paper.
It is not meant to describe how the author(s) have structured the paper, nor should it be an abstract of the paper.
Please see the LG instructions and the sample critique.
Objective and Methodology
What is the objective of the article?
If the authors have formulated research questions to achieve the objective you need to write the research questions.
You must state the hypotheses that the author(s) propose to test. You could use a table to state these. If you do not write the hypotheses, you will not be able to discuss the findings clearly because the acceptance or rejection of each hypothesis will have an important finding. Get professional assignment writing service now!
If the methodology is purely based on a literature review, then it is simple. That's all you need to write. But you must explain what types of literature were reviewed.
If the authors have developed a model to study the problem, then you must explain that model briefly. If you wish to copy a figure from the paper and include it, that's fine.
If the operationalisation of the model involves a survey, then you must explain briefly how the questionnaire was designed and how the sample was selected.
There is no need to explain all the statistical techniques used.
Do not write summaries of the literature reviewed by the authors.
Your findings should focus on what the authors found from the results of the analysis (such as hypothesis testing) and the conclusions that could be drawn.
If the authors used hypothesis testing, then you must explain what accepting or rejecting a hypothesis means from a practical point of view.
Gaps and Limitations
This section should focus on weaknesses in the methodology and interpretation of the findings.
The discussion on gaps and limitations will lack depth and value if you have not been able to write good findings.
Criticisms such as the following, have little meaning and can often be considered silly and irrelevant.
Bigger sample size should have been used
(Note: The authors would have explained that the sample size is sufficient for the statistical analysis).
Case study should be carried out
(Note: You must explain why? How many case studies would be sufficient? These are areas that are complex and it is better not to write about it unless you have something sensible to say).
Has been carried out in country X. Must be carried out in other countries as well.
(Note: The authors never claimed that what they have done is applicable globally. The methodology is generic but if someone in another country wishes to apply it then they will have to modify it to suit their local context)
Has not used other theories such as those of Deming, Juran, Six-sigma etc. Note (What the authors use de depends on what the paper is about. If you say this then you must also explain what other theories you are proposing and how these could enrich the study).
You need to separate the contributions made by the paper into three categories:
Contributions to theory
Contribution towards professional and enterprise practice
Contribution to policy-making.