Reference no: EM131333081
Watch the video case study "Geek Squad: A New Business for a New Environment."
Read the case study discussion on pp. 88-89 of the Marketing text. Keep this case study in mind as you complete this assignment.
Write a 1,050-word report using your company or one with which you are familiar (if you prefer, your facilitator can assign one to you). Answer the following questions for your chosen organization.
Explain what the specific key environmental forces are that created an opportunity for your company.
Identify if there have been changes in the purchasing patterns of your organization's target market in recent years.
Conduct an environmental scan for your chosen company to identify key trends. For each of the five environmental forces (social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory), identify trends likely to influence your company's marketing efforts and product offering in the future.
Explain what differentiation strategy your company should undertake to encourage their target market to choose them over other competitors.
Analyze what lessons you might learn from the Geek Squad case study.
Include at least three references, at least one of which must come from the University Library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Discuss pros and cons of the uniform crime reporting system
: Analyze and identify resources public safety officials, like sheriffs or police chiefs, have to classify or categorize crimes in their cities, counties, and states. Discuss the pros and cons of the Uniform Crime Reporting System and the yearly report..
Describe impact that ethical practices have on persuasion
: Define at least two ethical theories in your paper, and identify and describe the impact that ethical practices have on persuasion. Your paper must include at least three outside scholarly sources to support your opinions.
Is making up an excuse for being late to work behavior
: One morning, after arriving late to work, she told her boss that she got caught in traffic, when in fact, she overslept. Is making up an excuse for being late to work unethical behavior in Betty's case? Why or why not?
Recall that m is the maximal payoff of the game
: Prove that the following two claims hold for any closed set C ⊆ Rm (recall that M is the maximal payoff of the game, in absolute value):- C is approachable by a player if and only if the set {x ∈ C: ? x ? ≤ M} is approachable by the other player.
Explain what the specific key environmental forces
: Explain what the specific key environmental forces are that created an opportunity for your company - Identify if there have been changes in the purchasing patterns of your organization's target market in recent years.
Prove the given claims
: Prove the following claims:- If strategy σk approaches a set C for player k, then it approaches every supersetof C for that player.
Develop a proposal addressing this new product
: Develop a proposal of 8-10 pages addressing this new product, the state of its industry, and details of its market - Your individual task will be to contribute a section of the product proposal and pro-forma statement for the new product idea. Make ..
Find an example in which the claim of the sentence obtains
: Find an example in which the claim of the sentence obtains:- The sets C1 and C2 are approachable by Player 1, but the set C1 ∩ C2 is excludable by Player 2.
Brief description of the social problem you selected
: ASSIGNMENT: A brief description of the social problem you selected. Select a population in which you might want to address this social problem and explain why