Explain what salisbury means

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Reference no: EM137494

Q1. Knowing that environment is significant for security, what security factors would you consider for two rival high school football teams that are set to play in two weeks on Friday evening? How would these considerations alter for an apartment building that had experienced a rash of burglaries? Explain the response.

Q2. Explain what Salisbury means when he claims that many groups have "come to Washington out of requirement and dependence rather than since they have influence." Do you agree or disagree and Why?

Reference no: EM137494

Questions Cloud

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Explain what salisbury means : Explain what Salisbury means when he claims that many groups have "come to Washington out of requirement and dependence rather than since they have influence." Do you agree or disagree and Why.
Electric power industry : The electric power industry is held up in the article as an example of a natural monopoly. Brainstorm other examples that can be readily identified in the present market economy.
Discuss the opinion of this explanation : Some mortgage company leaders have said that providing subprime mortgages was based on a noble purpose of giving poor people a chance to participate in the American dream of home ownership. Discuss the opinion of this explanation.
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The best describes the effect of huberts stress : Hubert is unclear about his duties on the new project and feels stressed with the role ambiguity. He has decided to simply put off the project and dedicate himself to other tasks. Which of the best describes the effect of Hubert's stress.


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