Reference no: EM133207890
Discussion Post: Gingival Description Chart
Use your textbook, notes, and content slides to gather information to complete the following three diagrams/drawings and definitions.
• Design your own Gingival Description Chart.
o Color, Consistency, Texture, Contour
o Healthy vs Unhealthy
• Find Two Images: one healthy image of gingiva and one unhealthy/diseased image of gingiva.
• Describe the clinical gingival appearance for attached and free using Color, Consistency, Texture, Contour for each picture.
• Define attached gingiva vs free gingiva.
• Define and explain what mobility, furcation, and fremitus are.
• List and Describe the classifications for mobility, furcation, and fremitus.
• Define pocket depth and CAL.
• Describe the difference between a pseudopocket, a periodontal pocket, and a healthy gingival sulcus.