Explain what made you want to research that topic

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131032477

LING 102: Spring 2016

Research Paper Presentation

The presentation of your research paper to the class must include:

- An interesting introduction. Introduce your topic to us (use quotes, questions, facts, or anything that grabs your audience) and explain what made you want to research that topic.

- Prepare an outline for yourself, but do not read your paper to us. Just tell us the most important parts of your paper and explain why they are important.

- You will need to consider the sequence of the information you will share to make sure it will occur in a logical fashion. Also consider transition use.

- Keep track of time. You will have 6-8 minutes to talk and 2-3 minutes for us to ask questions. Be sure to engage your audience (don't just look down at your notes). We have been in this class together for a long time, so there is no need to be shy or nervous.

- There is no specific type of presentation that is required or encouraged. You may simply talk, you may use the chalk board, you may sing, you may have props (pictures, puppets?), and so on. You are only limited by your imagination and initiative.

- All presentations will take place in the normal classroom so be aware of technological, space and time limitations.

Be sure to sign up for a time slot. If you are absent the day that the sheet is handed out, then you will be assigned a time slot.

You will be graded on the following items:

- Time limit (7 minutes presentation (no less than 6, but no more than 8) and 2-3 minutes for question. 7-10 minutes total.)

- organization of content

- clear topic

- interesting, shows your care and thoughtfulness

- concise, not too detailed, appropriately organized

Anyone familiar with PPT here? it is for history assignment. read the instructions carefully.

Reference no: EM131032477

Questions Cloud

Forman company has contracted to build a dam over a period : Forman Company has contracted to build a dam over a period of 4 years for $3,000,000. Information relating to the performance of the contract is summarized as follows:
Provide background information about education : Provide an in-depth definition and components about the topic. Provide background information about the topic (developed from the 3 resources discovered). Apply 3 different sociological theories to the topic.
The back-end database : Three (3) page Word document that describes the front-end, the user interface, and the back-end database and how the requirements were met, and a full description of client needs and how the application supported the requirements.
Problem regarding the mechanical measurements : Mechanical measurements on supposedly identical objects usually vary. The variation often follows a Normal distribution. The stress required to break a type of bolt varies Normally with mean 75 kilopounds per square inch (ksi) and standard deviati..
Explain what made you want to research that topic : LING 102: Spring 2016 - Research Paper Presentation - You will need to consider the sequence of the information you will share to make sure it will occur in a logical fashion. Also consider transition use.
Prepare a comprehensive report directed to an australian asx : prepare a comprehensive report directed to an Australian ASX Top 100 listed corporation detailing a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the corporation to meet the obligations of the conceptual framework of accounting
Did the school follow the correct disciplinary procedures : Did the school follow the correct disciplinary procedures? Discuss why or why not. Would you have done anything differently, according to IDEA's procedures?
What is the final velocity of the masses : A mass of .6 kg moving with a velocity of 2.4 m/s in the positive direction experiences a totally inelastic collision with a mass of 1.1 kg. What is the final velocity of the masses?
Creating a database using ms access : Creating a database using MS Access that could be used to organize something. But first, you will use SimNet to refresh your memory about MS Access.


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History Questions & Answers

  History of imperialism and colonialism

Discuss the specific connections between economic development and imperialism in the latter half of the 20th century.

  Explain immigration to america

Explain immigration to America during the half of 19 th century

  American society in the making

American Society in the Making

  Conditions of late 19th century worker

Some historians considered the industrialists of the late 19th Century to be captains of industry while others considered them robber barons. Which view do you believe to be correct and why.

  Explaining the transition of humankind

Explain the significance of the transition of humankind from a hunter-gatherer society to a food-producing society. Include the following: A description of the Paleolithic era

  Tombs and monuments

Tombs and Monuments: Compare an aspect of the tomb of Emperor Shihuangdi with the burial tombs of other cultures, such as Egypt or Mesopotamia. Explain whether you think the emperor's elaborate tomb was motivated by power or religious beliefs.

  Accomplishments of egyptian female

Can anyone educate me regarding one distinct Mesopatamian and one Egyptian female and their accomplishments?

  Describing the characteristics of mesopotamia

What are the characteristics of the first civilizations of 5000 years ago? Especially in Mesopotamia.

  Explaining the vulnerability of mesopotamia

Determine why Mesopotamia was so vulnerable.

  Difference between egypt and mesopotamia

Some have said that the strength and endurance of the Empire and the regular, dependable recurrence of the Nile flood gave the artists-craftsmen a sense of consistency that profoundly influenced the nature of their artistic creations.

  Characteristics of first civilizations

What are the characteristics of the first civilizations of 5000 years ago( especially in the Mesopotamia)? what makes these groups "civilized" as opposed to prehistoric peoples?

  Growth and change in society

Cultures of Mesopotamia, especially Summer, and Egypt. How cultures change over time.

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