Explain what is the nosql movement

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13936465

1. Using reference tools, other than our textbook, to find the definitions for the following terms: Please include your sources
Database Manage Systems
ER model
Relational Algebra
Data modeling
RDS from Amazon
SQL Azure

2. Using the Internet or other sources to find two dominating DBMS vendors and their latest products. Please include your sources and state in which way or ways the vendors are considered to be dominating as part of the answers of this question. Please do not use the vendor provided information to justify whether the vendor is one of the top DBMS provider or not.

3. If you are working for a Saudi oil company (meaning money is not an issue), should you pick ORACLE 11g/12c or MySQL 5.6 for the company? Why?

4. If you are working for a startup company, should you pick ORACLE 11g/12c or MySQL 5.6? Why?

5. Using the Internet or other sources to find two dominate Cloud DBMS vendors and their latest products. Give the URLs for these DBMSs.

6. Explain what is the NoSQL movement. Find one "DBMS" that is NoSQL.

7. Explain what is Vertia. What are the features of Vertica?

Reference no: EM13936465

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