Explain what is meant by life purpose

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Reference no: EM13982118


".Document in detail your Life Purpose Discovery Process. Use each item below as a section title. You can add as many headings and subheadings as you need.

.Explain what is meant by Life Purpose. What does the literature say about how a person identifies his/her life purpose? [Note: This usually pages to explain. Go beyond assigned reading to understand this topic thoroughly.]

.**The remaining points should integrate not only your personal journey in understanding your life purpose, but also what the literature says about key concepts related to this process.

.Explain how it led you to your current Life Purpose Statement.

.Describe how your career plans will contribute to your fulfilling your Life Purpose.

.Discuss how your faith will be integrated into every aspect of your life and how you will address the issues of balance with respect to your time and your money and possessions. Make sure you define faith.

.What readings have influenced your thinking in this course?

answer: Read Keller - Foreword, Introduction & Chapter 9 first; then Chapters 1-8

Read Rae and Wong, pp. 47-64, "The Bible and Culture in Ethics".

. What videos have influenced your thinking in this course?

Answer: View The Beatitudes Part 2 - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God


View The Beatitudes Part 2 - Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness


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This task is about "Life Purpose Discovery Process". It is 2000 words assignment and it includes abstract, introduction, discussion, conclusion and referencing. All given instructions are covered under required headings/sub-headings. Referencing is in APA style.

Reference no: EM13982118

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