Reference no: EM1329798
E-Marketing Questions: What would your advice be to the traditional newspaper editors be on how to compete with craigslist?
Please extrapolate the information I need to answer the following questions and make it palpable for me.
1. Check out the site craigslist and also go through the entry for craigslist on the online encyclopedia.
What would your advice be to the traditional newspaper editors be on how to compete with craigslist?
2. You have been engaged as an e-marketing consultant by the owners of is a B2C site where one could research and buy wines. You have been asked to evaluate the various offline and online marketing tools available to to reach out to their customers to drive up sales. Choose any 3 marketing (online and offline) tools/strategies that are available (few are listed below to get you started) and comment on their relevance and level of effectiveness for
Some options available as marketing tools -
print advertisement
online advertising in related sites
direct mail
Radio ads
TV spots
Magazine reviews and other mentions in the press
Keep in mind both online and offline marketing can help an e-business!
3. Your boss who is the VP of E-Business has asked you to draw up a list of metrics to be measured and reported on, for your company website. How would you go about deciding which metrics to choose? What 3-4 metrics would you recommend as the top priority?
Some examples of metrics could be number of visits each day to the site or look-to-buy rate (percentage of visits to the products page that are eventually converted to purchases).
(You may want to visit some popular web analytics tool companies such as webtrends and websidestory to research on web metrics