Explain what is learning

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM13218183

1. What is learning? Give an example. Indicate in your example the major elements that demonstrate it is an example of learning.

2. Identify and discuss the factors that can affect whether training transfers back to the job. Which two factors do you feel are the most important to ensure transfer? Support your choices.

3. What is the significance of the following HRD variables?

a. Trainee characteristics
b. Training design (conditions of practice, retention, transfer of training)
c. Individual differences
d. Learning strategies and styles

4. Define "Needs Assessment?" Describe the three levels of needs analysis and indicate their significance.

5. Why is needs assessment so often not performed in many organizations? How could an HRD professional possibly convince a reluctant manager to invest time and money to do needs assessment?

Reference no: EM13218183

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