Explain what is art history

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM13218179

Explore The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Galleries. As you explore, reflect on the following and share your answers within your discussion post:

a.We often envision a painting when we think of art though there are many different forms and categories of art. Based on your reading of "Introduction: What Is Art History?" from your textbook, identify the various categories of art on exhibit at this museum.

b.Share an example of one work of art, including the category of the art work, that you found particularly interesting and share your initial interpretation and reaction to it. Include the URL to the work of art in your post as well as the citation for the work of art.

Some works of art may be as simple as a gold coin with the face of a prominent leader from historical times, as explained in your textbook (Gardner & Kleiner, 2014). Identify an item you are exposed to or use daily, other than a coin that might someday be perceived as art. Explain why this might someday appear in a museum.

Reference no: EM13218179

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