Explain what is advocacy

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133187801

1. Explain what is 'advocacy' and what skills an advocator needs to have? 

2.  In 50 words for each term, define each of the following terms and provide an example of each: 

1. Representation 

2.Systems Advocacy

3. Lobbying

3. Explain how would you develop and maintain close working relationships and networks with relevant stakeholders and develop action plans to address the needs identified by clients. (write 200 words) 

4. What strategies would you used to identify the needs or specific issues of a client group? (write 150 words).

5. Explain how would you respond appropriately to breaches of rights in service delivery in line with organisation and legal complaints processes. (Write 200 words)

6. Consider that you are planning to consult with a group requiring advocacy, for example: 

  • People with mental illness
  • Indigenous people
  • People with a disability
  • Single mothers

In 200 words, explain the consultation process that you would follow and the factors you might need to take into consideration. 

7. Define stereotypes ,and explain how stereotypes are used to maintain discrimination in society. (Use 100 words)

8. Outline some of the structural,political and social factors which operate to maintain discrimination against clients, consumers and service users. (Write  150 words).

9. What is the universal declaration of human rights? Please provide at least 3 examples of fundamental human rights. (write 100 words)

10. What is the meaning of strategic alliances and why are they important in community services? (Write 100 words)

11. Explain the importance of evaluating advocacy outcomes. (Write 100 words)

Reference no: EM133187801

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