Explain what is a breadth-first search

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131479840

Artificial Intelligence Assignment: Searching

In a written paper with annotated screenshots, please thoroughly address the following problems:

1. Explain what is a breadth-first search.

2. Implement the informal algorithm ( pseudo code) of breadth first search. Provide the description of what the code does.

3. Implement the breadth first search algorithm in Lisp. Enter your function definition into a text file. Then load it into LISP.

4. Explain what is the depth first search, and what is the difference between breadth-first, and depth-first search.

5. Implement the informal algorithm ( pseudo code) of depth-first search. Provide the description of what the code does.

6. Implement the depth-first search algorithm in Lisp. Enter your function definition into a text file. Then load it into LISP.

Reference no: EM131479840

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