Explain what fields might be used as keys and indexes.

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13946203

identify and select an information system in a health care organization that uses a database. The application can be simple or complex, but it must utilize a database that is part of an overall system to collect, store, process, and disseminate information. In two to three pages, write a scholarly that clearly addresses the following items:

Describe the application you selected and the purpose of the database.

Describe a simple table structure, including records and fields, that might be used in the database. (Note: You do not need an actual table from database. You can define what one might look like based on an input screen or report.)

Explain what fields might be used as keys and indexes.

Describe any limitations or constraints related to the data and how it is structured.

Discuss how standardization (or the implications of not using standards) affect the quality and usefulness of the information.

Reference no: EM13946203

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