Reference no: EM132324023
You have thought about Erikson's 8 Stages of Man (psychosocial) Theory throughout the lifespan. Now, tell your own story-so far and possibly your projected future! Think about your life experiences thus far (and what you have been told about those early years that you will not likely remember!)
Briefly explain what Erikson's theory is generally all about (according to your text/notes learning). Think BIG picture.
Childhood (Birth through about age 12)
Next, BASED ON YOUR TIME PERIOD YOU CHOSE, describe this time period and specific Erikson stage(s) associated with this time period and apply each of them briefly, as they apply to yourself. If you chose adolescence, you will only have one stage to describe-and because there is only one it should be very clear and detailed?
Some thoughts to ponder: Did you master each stage so far? If not, have you/will you likely go back to previous stages within your lifespan to try to master them later? How does this mastery of stages impact the last stage? For the first stages of Erikson's, you may not remember specific events-however you do know characteristics of your parent(s) and stories told of what you were like. This information will help you determine what happened during that stage. For example, in first stage, how does parenting determine mastery of this stage?
Note that this section will differ enormously depending on which developmental time period you chose!
Lastly, choose one other theory from your textbook to compare/contrast/add to your discussion above. Be sure to 1) name the theorist/theory, 2) describe the theory, and 3) add this learning into your above discussion.
Only your course notes and textbook are to be used for understanding in this assignment, and thus no citation is needed. You should have one fat paragraph per stage.