Explain what career you chose to investigate

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133422247

Questions: Then, discuss the career in a minimum one-page essay. Develop your essay in the following manner:

  1. In the first paragraph, explain what career you chose to investigate. What is the career and what about it grabbed your interest? Have you considered this career in the past? What initially appealed to you and led you to choose the career (before you began investigating)?
  2. In the second paragraph, discuss the specifics of the job and the work environment. Which of these aspects appeal to you? Do you find any of these aspects unappealing? Explain.
  3. In the third paragraph, explain the qualifications for this job. What (and how much) education is required? How much work experience is required? How long will it take to qualify for this job based on education and work experience?
  4. Next, discuss the median pay and the job outlook. Does the pay level appeal to you? Is the job projected to grow in the future, remain stagnant, or shrink?


Reference no: EM133422247

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