Explain wal-mart research proposal and price perception

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Reference no: EM1333814

Explain Wal-Mart Research Proposal and Price Perception

Can you help me find literature and prepare a research proposal on Wal-Mart's price perception marketing strategy and consumer behavior?

(1) Review of the Relevant Literature, Related Research and Literature Reviews. Provide a minimum of ten research studies that address the same topic chosen for the proposal:

a) What are the similar areas of study or studies that lead up to the current research? Identify the importance of the questions being asked.

b) Report on the current status of the topic.

c) Analyze the relationship between the literature reviewed and the problem statement.

d) Include a summary, along with a restatement of the relationships between the variables under consideration and how these relationships are important to the proposed hypothesis.

(2) Identify and label a minimum of two implications and a minimum of two limitations for Wal-Mart's study. At a minimum, answer the following questions:

a) What implications and assumptions are being made regarding the proposed sample and how it represents the proposed population?

b) What assumptions are you making regarding the instrument's validity and its ability to measure the desired variables?

c) What assumptions are being made in having respondents truthfully answer a survey, questionnaire, or interview questions?

d) Identify the limitations of Wal-Mart's proposal, such as the limited population for the study.

(3) Method/Research Procedure/Methodology: (Note:Determine the method of research for the proposal. Examples could be: qualitative, quantitative, and case study).

(4). Participants: (Note: Provide specific identification for the proposed participants for the study. Include a description, the possible number within the population, the proposed location, and the selection procedure. Be specific when identifying the selection process. Then identify how a representative sample will be drawn from the population).

(5). Instrumentation and Data Collection Plans:(Note: State the sources and/or instrument(s) proposed to be used to record the data (surveys, interview protocols). Identify the procedure. For a mailed survey, identify steps to be taken in administering and following up the survey to obtain a high response rate. Determine how to specifically conduct the research based on the proposed topic.

(6). Surveys/Questionnaires/Interviews: (Note:Create and include the list of questions proposed to be asked for the research. Make sure the questions pertain to and support the problem statement, the objectives of the study, and the hypothesis. Include the possible answers when using a multiple-choice or Likert format. (Estimated length - one to two pages).

(7). Appendices and References:

a) Time Schedule/Time Line: (Note: Propose how long the research process could take (hypothetically). Remember that a proposal stops at the proposal stage and that there is no actual research conducted by you. You are to propose what you will do and when to carry out the study).

b) Resources Needed:(Note: List and explain all proposed resources (e.g., computers, programs, surveys, etc.).

c) Personnel: (Note: List the categories or types of assistance needed from others (not the participants) to conduct the proposed research).

d) Budget: (Note: List all expenses proposed to incur during the research. Include all details for the proposed budget, and then add them up for a total proposed budget)

Reference no: EM1333814

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