Reference no: EM133745871
The Mayor of New York City has recently announced a new ordinance, adopted by the City Council, which mandates measles vaccination of all individuals. The only exceptions allowed are for those who can prove there is a medical reason for which they should not be vaccinated.
A group of individuals of Jewish descent, living in a tight knit community in Brooklyn, have filed suit alleging many violations of the United States Constitution. For the purposes of this question, you are to focus on their allegations that the ordinance passed by the City Council violates the Equal Protection clause.
A. Explain the various standards of review that a court can choose between when faced with an Equal Protection case. Provide: (1) the test that defines it and (2) examples for each.
Type your response here.
B. As of today, what "classes" are considered protected by the Court and deserving of strict scrutiny? Why do we use heightened scrutiny in the first place?
Type your response here.
C. What standard of review is appropriate in this case? Explain why.
Type your response here.
D. How should the court decide? Thoroughly explain your conclusion using case law to justify your response.
Type your response here.
E. New information has come to light that this mandate was established not by the City Council, but by the New York City Department of Public Health. The New York City Department of Public Health has very limited powers, namely, it can act only pursuant to instructions from the City Council. What new challenges might this trigger and how is the court likely to decide?