Explain value or benefits of organization cloud investment

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131679637

VIDEO CASE: Three Cloud Computing Case Studies

When organizations say they are "using the cloud," they can mean a number of very different things. Using an IaaS service such as Amazon EC2 or Terremark is different from using Google Apps for outsourced email, which is different again from exposing an API into Facebook. A video shows three Cloud Computing case studies from Vordel's customers. The cases cover SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS. In first two examples, customers are connecting to the Cloud; first to Google Apps (for single-sign-on to Google Apps email) and second to Terremark to manage virtual servers.

In the third example, the connection is from the Cloud using a Facebook app to a company's APIs. You might spot Animal House references. To do:

1. Visit SOAtoTheCloud.com/2011/10/video-three-cloudcomputing-case.html.

2. View the 11-minute video of the 3 case studies.

3. Explain the value or benefits of each organization's cloud investment.

Reference no: EM131679637

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