Explain users passwords and authentication in detail

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131683503


You have 3 full days from now(72 hours), and you must be a computer science major in order to answer these following 12 questions:

1. Explain computer security (confidentiality, integrity availability), operating system and its parts and deployment environment (5 different).

2. Give the history of UNIX OS and its security.

3. Explain in detail about polices and guidelines and how they are related.

4. Explain users, passwords, and authentication in detail.

5. Explain how the UNIX group can be used to control access to files and devices, Superuser, su command and restrictions on the superuser.

6. Define file system, its attributes and permissions, chmod, and umask commands.

7. What is cryptography and explain symmetric and public key algorithms

8. Define and detail physical security for servers.

9. Define and detail personnel security.

10. Explain the modem's operation, and its security.

11. Describe local and wide area network, show they fit into the UNIX security.

12. Explain how network service can be effectively secured so that you can take advantage of the opportunities while reducing exposure to the risk.

Reference no: EM131683503

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