Explain understand of key concepts in strategic management

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13897404

The aim of this essay is to demonstrate your understand of key concepts in strategic management (3000 words).

1. Blue ocean strategy

Define this concept present the history of the concept: when was it discussed first, how did it evolve?

Discuss how/if the concept is relevant or not to today's business challenges.

Minimum of 10 academic references: books and/or articles from academic journals. It excludes textbooks and articles from business magazines that you can use also if needed.

All sources should be adequately referenced (Harvard) as for any professional academic document. 2000 words to this part

2. Than you need to present real life application of the concept. Using any company of your choice. This to be like a mini-case study to present the situation of a company, the issues faced and how the concept was used to solve the issues and raise the general performance of the firm.

Reference no: EM13897404

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