Explain true about trade settlements

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM132864889

1: In the traditional finance system, which of the following are true about trade settlements?

a) They are instantaneous

b) They follow conventions such as T+3

c) They happen most often with paper checks

d) Trade settlement conventions such as T+2 refer to trades that clear within 2 hours

2: What best describes the business model of a marketplace?

a) Buy High Sell Low

b) Buy Low Sell High

c) Business to Consumer model

d) Business to Business margin

3:Which of the following are true about Price Discovery?

a) It can happen when buying a pre-owned car

b) It requires extensive product research and competitor analysis

c) It happens at all transactions at grocery stores

d) It happens most often when EBITDA equals the Price to Earnings Ratio

4: What is the business model of a marketplace?

a) Business to Business

b) Marginal spread

c) Bid-Ask spread

d) Collateralization

5:What is an example of a marketplace?

a) Mastercard

b) Apple Stores

c) Google Play App Store

d) Multiple Cedars Sinai Hospital campuses

6: What is a marketplace?

a) A concept that focuses on large corporate institutions to curate and evaluate purchasing decisions for their economic advantage

b) A location that can be virtual or physical where a company produces its own products and sells to consumers

c) A company that packages goods and services for direct consumer consumption

d) Where buyers and sellers come together

7: What is a security?

a) Protection against dangerous assets

b) A tradable financial asset

c)Only public equity

d) Only bonds and fixed-income assets and publicly traded stock

Reference no: EM132864889

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