Reference no: EM133654707
Assignment: Writing Reaction & Review
Using the information you found on the employer's website, write a 350 to 525 words review of the selected employer in which you address the following elements:
1. Explain to your audience why you selected this employer.
2. Provide some high-level details about the employer you selected (e.g., type of business, who they employ, where they are located, what their mission is, and what types of things they are looking for in employees).
3. Explain your reaction to the employer based on what you observe on their website (e.g., positive, negative, or neutral). Would this be a good place for you to work? Why or why not?
4. Provide evidence in the form of specific examples from the website that support your opinion about the employer.
Review the following tips for help with this week's assignment:
1. Consider the following question: Why does your reaction or review have value? Consider this question as you craft a reaction or a review for a specific audience. A good way to answer this question before you write is to review some online reviews and think about why they have value to you. For example:
a. Are they humorous?
b. Do they help you think about something in a new way?
c. Do they help you make a decision or avoid a misstep?
2. Define what you value in a review so that when you craft your review, you can offer that same value to the audience.
3. Before you write, work to answer why your reaction or review writing has value. Then, carefully plan your review so you can add value to your audience's experience.