Reference no: EM132475386
Please respond to the following questions:
Question 1: What role do poverty and race and ethnicity play in children health disparities? Describe two solutions addressed to reduce/eliminate children health disparities and propose your own multilevel solution to address health disparities.
a. Roles
b.2 Solutions illustrated in the book
c. Own multilevel Solution
Question 2: Focusing on the chapter and the topic developed by your group, respond to the following questions:
a. Identify and explain three factors influencing the health disparities addressed by your group (e.g. rural disparities, age/disability health disparities, women, children, mental health etc.)
i. Factors and explanation
b. How race and ethnicity may influence the disparities faced by your selected groups (Intersectionality)(e.g. Black and older adult, rural Latino migrant, being a transgender low-income child, etc.? You can use material discussed in class, previous chapters and information used for the group presentations and papers.