Explain their position on the issue of disagreement

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Reference no: EM133412887


Part One: mandatory interview questions

Talk about something light-hearted that you both enjoy. Ideally, engage in some kind of mutually enjoyable recreational activity, first.

Report what you did below (as an exception to the general expectation of having a detailed paragraph, extensive details are not necessary for this prompt. "We went out for ice cream" or "We talked about our favorite Marvel movie" is fine).

2. Identify a social issue where you agree and briefly discuss it. A common goal would also work.

3. Ask them to explain their position on the issue of disagreement. The instructor will tell you in advance what issue this is. For example modules, this assignment asked you to find someone who disagrees with you about abortion. For another, the assignment may have been to interview someone who disagrees with you about ethical veganism.

Keep the distinction between a position and an argument in mind. Positions are things like "abortion is immoral," or "we should have completely permissive abortion laws." In contrast, an argument is supposed to explain why we should accept a position. Despite the simple example, note that in actuality our positions can be quite nuanced.

To see this, think of how there can be multiple arguments for the same position. For example "abortion is immoral because it kills an innocent human being" and "abortion is immoral because it deprives the fetus of its future," give two different potential justifications for the same position.

4. Now, ask them to give at least one argument for their position. This is not necessarily the same as a historical explanation for why they hold the view. Rather, it is the kind of thing that justifies it, and especially could justify it to other people.

5. Ask them what kinds of life experiences they think have shaped their position on the issue. Think about how this is different from an argument. I could strongly support the death penalty because my brother was murdered without thinking the fact that my brother was murdered is actually a good reason to have the death penalty.

6. Ask them about the main reasons they think other people disagree with them are. For example, if you are discussing the ethics of abortion with a person who identifies as pro-life, ask them what they think the common reasons people give for being pro-choice fail.

For the optional part two, I encourage you to explain any misconceptions you think they have about this. For example, if you think they mischaracterize a prominent argument for the opposing view, you might explain why you think their explanation is somewhat off. Emphasize that the graded component of this assignment does not require you to provide any clarifications or counterarguments. Those are optional tasks that should be done after you have completed all of the interview questions.

7. Ask them why they reject the reasons discussed in #6.

8. Post Interview Metacognition Question: how did the interview go? Did you find you were better able to focus on understanding your interviewee's views than you often are when discussing heated political and/or ethical issues? Offer any other reflection on the interview that you would like.

Optional Part Two: Debate

Instructions: after completing the interview without providing any counterarguments, you may propose having a critical discussion, i.e. one where you provide counterarguments and explain your view, too. Emphasize to your interviewee that this component of the assignment is strictly optional and you will still receive full credit on the assignment if they do not want to have a debate with you.

What did you say in response to the argument(s) your interviewee provided in reply to question #4?

2. Did you have any clarifications or novel arguments and reasons to offer other than those your interviewee raised on #6? Did you think some of their reasons were based on misconceptions about your position and/or common arguments for it?

3. How did the debate go? Do you feel that it was more productive because you began by listening than it might have been had you not listened intensely, first?

Reference no: EM133412887

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