Reference no: EM131307128
Writing for Pre-K and Kindergarten involves the use of routines and teaching points to move our youngest learners forward. Both our texts give detailed ideas that would be helpful in any classroom.
Note: In this post and in this context, we are not referring to the developmental stages of writing, which come later in the week, or strategies such as modeled writing.
1. Based on your course readings, in two to three paragraphs, explain the writing process for young learners. Both of your texts explicitly refer to the "writing process" so make sure you refer to this part of your texts.
2. How have you implemented this in your own classroom or how have you observed this in other classrooms? If you have not taught or observed this process, give an example of how you might implement this in your own teaching environment.
3. Are there aspects of the process that may be more challenging than others to implement?
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.
Required Studies
The following materials are Required Studies for this week. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week, and save these materials for future use.
• Literacy Beginnings: A Prekindergarten Handbook (Pinnell & Fountas, 2011)
o Section Four: Supporting Emergent Writers
o Section Six: Assessment of Literacy Learning
- Observing Writing Behavior
• Read, Write, Play, Learn: Literacy Instruction in Today's Kindergarten (Rog, 2011)
o Chapter 10: "I Never Knew We Could Write This Good!": Modeled, Shared, and Interactive Writing
o Chapter 11: "Look What I Writ!": Building Independence with the Kindergarten Writing Workshop
• Read
o Stages of Writing Development (California Department of Education Child Development Division, & Elementary Education Division, 1999) [PDF]
o Elementary Writing, Listening, Speaking Continuums (Three Village Central School District, 2009) [PDF]
Determine the break even point for a person
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Compare the tresca and von mises safety factors
: A cylindrical pressure vessel with hemispherical endcaps has radius r = 2 m, wall thickness t = 10 mm, and is made of steel with yield stress σy = 1800 MPa. It is internally pressurized at p = 2 MPa. Compare the Tresca and von Mises safety factors..
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Determine how much the tank radius r changes
: A closed cylindrical tank of length L, radius R, and wall thickness t contains a liquid at pressure p. If a hole is suddenly made in the cylinder
Explain the writing process for young learners
: Based on your course readings, in two to three paragraphs, explain the writing process for young learners. Both of your texts explicitly refer to the "writing process" so make sure you refer to this part of your texts.
Determine the degree of operating leverage
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Determine the total elongation of the circumference
: A cylindrical pressure vessel of 120 in outside diameter, used for processing rubber, is 36 ft long.
Calculate investment rate of return and his capital gain
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Derive an approximate expression for the strength-toweight
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