Explain the Wagner Model for chronic illness

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Reference no: EM132924104

CHCCCS001 Address the needs of people with chronic disease

Instructions to students:
Answer the following questions.

QUESTION 1 Describe the characteristics of a chronic illness or disease as per the World Health Organisation.

QUESTION 2 Provide five examples of major chronic conditions in Australia.

QUESTION 3 Explain the Wagner Model for chronic illness.

Question 4 What is Integrated Chronic Disease Management?

QUESTION 5 We all grow up in different environmental and social conditions, for example where we live, how we are raised, our cultural backgrounds, and the education we receive. These conditions impact our lives, health and overall well-being. List five different life conditions and explain how each has an impact on our health and well-being.

QUESTION 6 What are the core elements of the continuum of chronic disease prevention and care?

QUESTION 7 Research the Australian National Chronic Disease Strategy, for ‘chronic disease prevention and care across the continuum'. What are the four key action areas under this strategy?

QUESTION 8 Explain the importance of maintaining a positive life role for a person with a chronic illness.

QUESTION 9 Explain the five stages in the transtheoretical model of change?

QUESTION 10 Select three types of chronic illness or disease. Complete the table describing each disease and the types of impact, treatment and prevention.

QUESTION 11 Explain the principles of practice for chronic disease management.

QUESTION 12 Explain how a person can quit smoking using the transtheoretical model (TTM) of behaviour change.

QUESTION 13 In every aspect of our lives both professionally and personally, we encounter people who we look up to or respect. These people come into our lives in the form of many roles and teach us valuable life lessons providing positive guidance throughout our lives. For example, a workplace mentor, grandparent or sporting coach. For each life area listed, complete the table with three examples of positive life roles.
QUESTION 14 Provide three referral services for a person with diabetes.

QUESTION 15 Provide three examples of community organisations for a person with mental illness.

CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support


QUESTION 1 Explain the following types of person-centred approaches.
• PATH: Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope

• MAPs: Making Action Plans

• PFP: Personal Futures Planning

• Circles of Support

Explain the difference between person-centred and system-centred approach.

Describe what the term ‘self-directed support services' means to people with disabilities or to those who are aged.

Explain what is meant by ‘self-determination'.

When would you need to complete a client risk assessment? Provide (3) three examples.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:

What documentation are you required to complete as part of providing client support? Provide (3) threeexamples.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:

Read each scenario and match the scenario with the correct ethical issue or breach in the table below.

Scenario A
Nancy converted to Islam in her late 30s and is now a practicing Muslim.Nancy became confined to a wheelchair after a car accident in her late 20s.
Belinda, her support worker, often makes strong political and racial comments about Muslims living in Australia to both clients and colleagues. She is unaware that Nancy is a Muslim.
Scenario B
You overhear Beth, one of your colleagues, talking on the phone with her friend during her lunch break. Beth is laughing with her friend over the phone about one of her clients who fell and had an accident. She discloses personal details about this client.
Scenario C
Jason, one of the support workers, tells you during his handover that he noticed a few bruises on Carly whilst bathing her before bedtime. Carly is one of his youngest clients, who is only 13 years old and has autism. This is not the first time you have heard of her having bruises or abrasions on her body.
Scenario D
Steven, one of the support workers, has been known as popular with the female clients. He likes to joke around with them and make them laugh. On occasion he brings along surprise treats or gifts for them.
Lucy, one of his regular clients, tends to receive more gifts from him than the others. This includes flowers, clothes and chocolates. Steven has also been observed to spend time with her beyond the hours of his shift.
Scenario E
Clients in wheelchairs and mobility scooters who visit your recreational facility once a week have not been properly informed about the rotting ramp board at the front entrance. There is a side entrance that clients can access safely; however, they are not advised to use it as the front board seems to be holding up for the time being.

Ethical issue/breach Which scenario covers this?
Work role/boundaries
Duty of care
Mandatory reporting

What are the key objectives of the UNCRPD?

Provide (3) three examples of circumstances that require you to make an adjustment or variation to a client's individual plan.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:

Provide (5) five examples of client rights.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Example 4:
Example 5:
Provide (2)two instances whereby members of the support team might be required to provide feedback on individual plans.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Describe a situation where you or a client has experienced a risk to health or safety. Explain how this was managed.

When risks are identified in the workplace, who are they reported to? Provide (3) three examples.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Provide (3)three examples for each of the following skill developments.
Life skills
Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Social skills
Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Vocational skills
Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Think about one of your clients or a case study you have heard or read about (for example, perhaps one from your learning materials). What are some factors thatwould affect the support received by this client?


You and your classmates will be placed into small groups. As a group, you will need to read the case study and discuss the type of support required for the client to achieve their goal. You are required to complete a report based on this case study.

Tully is a 75-year-old female who has an intellectual disability. She enjoys art, reading and music.
She is not overly social and tends to spend time alone privately completing recreational activities. She has been a smoker for 40 years and usually smokes up to 8-10 cigarettes a day. She is able to go for walks for short periods at a time only.
Tully is sensitive to loud noises in the environment, which causes her to become quite anxious and stressed. Being anxious or stressed causes Tully to smoke more frequently through the day.
Tully's father passed away from lung cancer due to smoking when she was younger, so one of her goals is to cut back on smoking. She is hoping to smoke only 2 cigarettes per day.

CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs

a) What is the purpose of a job description for a personal support provider?

b) A work colleague has asked you to do something that it outside the training you have had. What would you do?

c) What are the (3) three workplace health and safety responsibilities of an employer in relation to manual handling?

d) What does duty of care mean?

What rights do clients have to privacy and confidentiality?

Geraldine trips over a bucket that has been left in the corridor. Luckily, she is not hurt. Geraldine's carer removes the bucket and puts it back in the cleaner's room.
e) What should you do to report the incident (both verbally and in writing)?
How to report verbally:
How to report in writing:
f) Why is it important to report this incident even though Geraldine is unhurt?

Upon investigation, it is found that the new cleaner left the bucket in the corridor. He is called to the supervisor's office and told that his work practices were unsafe-Geraldine could have been seriously hurt.
Geraldine's carer informs her that the cleaner has been spoken to and he will probably get fired if he ever does it again.
g) Did the carer act appropriately? Explain your answer.

In your work you will be required to use the computer to complete reports and access information. What are the (2) two safety considerations you must take when using computers?
Elsie has dementia. She is a resident in a high-care nursing home. She needs significant help with personal care, including showering, grooming, dressing, feeding, toileting and transferring.
Damien is a young man with MS. He has sound cognitive ability but is dependent on his wife for assistance with all activities of daily living. His wife needs to go to the hospital so she has arranged for home nursing while she is unable to look after Damien. Damien will tell the carers what he requires and how he likes things to be done.
Jessie cares for her mother, Maria, who lives next door to her. Maria is frail but has full cognitive function and is able to undertake most activities of daily living without assistance. Jessie is having a baby in four weeks' time.
Jessie has arranged for her mother to go into respite care for a month after the baby is born so she has some time to recover from the birth and get used to her role as a mother. She is relieved that Maria will be safe and have meals cooked for her.
In approximately 100 words, describe the differences between the giving of personal care for each of these situations.
Is it a ‘one-size fits all' approach, or is care planned for the individual needs of each client?

Molly is feeling a bit down today. She is feeling old and tired. You spend time with her doing her hair and helping her to put on a bit of make-up. She then asks if you would do her nails for her. When you have finished, she looks in the mirror and smiles.
How has this helped Molly's health and wellbeing?

Why is it important to wash from front to back when cleaning the perineal area?

Geda has dementia. She is able to brush her own teeth but forgets when they need to be cleaned and often forgets the process she needs to follow.
h) What support would you give Geda to clean her teeth?

i) Why is it important for Geda to clean her teeth regularly?

Question 9
j) Lisa has sickness and diarrhoea. Which is the major body system involved?

k) Gerald has bad eczema. Which is the major body system involved?

l) Marion has suffered a heart attack. Which is the major body system involved?

m) Martin has Parkinson's disease. Which is the major body system involved?

Barry is in his 50s. He has had a stroke, which has affected his right side and restricted his movement. He cannot use his right hand to grip. He can walk with a stick. His wife left him last year-she used to do all the cooking.
Barry is depressed and feels he can't do anything for himself. His daughter tries to persuade him to do things for himself more.
He has personal care to get him up in the morning, shower him and get him a cup of tea. He has meals on wheels which he hates but is not able to make food for himself, or even a cup of tea.
Barry's care has been reviewed and the occupational therapist visits Barry in the home and suggests she works with him to improve his ability to do his activities of daily living.
She arranges a microwave for him and shows him how to use it. She also arranges a tipper for the kettle so that he does not need to grip it.
The OT builds up his experience with the kettle and the microwave. As he gains confidence with this he also learns how to make simple dishes on the stove. A nutritionist visits to provide advice to Barry about the importance of good nutrition.
A friend visits after a month and is surprised when Barry dishes up sausages and mash and a big fresh salad for lunch washed down with a mug of tea. He notices that Barry seems a lot less depressed.
n) How has this reablement approach assisted Barry with his health and wellbeing?

o) What may have been the consequence if Barry had continued in the way that he was?

Gemma removes her gloves after dressing a client's wound. She does not wash her hands because her hands were protected from infection by the sterile gloves.
Is this a correct infection control procedure? Explain your answer.

Question 12
"You are going to transfer a client out of a vehicle"
Answer the following questions:
p) What risks were involved in transferring this client? Think about both risks to the client and to yourself.
q) What could you do to reduce these risks?
r) What physical and sensory needs will the person have?
s) How wellis the client able to participate? How do you encourage their participation?
t) What would you have done if the client told you theywere feeling pain when they were lying in bed?

Question 13
"You are going to transfer a client from a bed"
Answer the following questions:
a. What risks are involved in transferring this client? Think about the risks to the client and yourself.
b. What can you do to reduce the risks?
c. How well is the client able to participate? How do you encourage their participation?
d. What would you have done if the client told you they were feeling pain when they were lying in bed?

Question 14

You need to recover a client who has fallen down to the floor, using a portable hoist.
Answer the following questions:
u) What risks are involved in recovering the client? Think about the risks to the client, yourself and your partner.
v) What can you do to reduce these risks?
w) How wellis the client able to participate? How do you encourage their participation?
x) What would you have done if the client became frightened during the transfer?
y) What workplace documentation would need to be completed following this client's fall and recovery?


Iris receives Home and Community Care Services to provide her with personal care services.
The HACC worker visits three times a week to shower Iris.She also has cleaning services once a week.The cleaners only do the bathroom and toilet as Iris has been able to manage vacuuming, dusting and general cleaning of herself up till now.
Iris has a physical disability following a childhood illness.She is unable to walk without assistance and has language difficulties.She finds it very difficult to make herself understood. Luckily her carers have been working with Iris for several years now and have learnt how to communicate with her. The HACC worker has now called to discuss whether her services are adequate.
Iris says that she doesn't feel up to heavy housework anymore but would still like to do as much cleaning as she can. She also finds standing at the stove to cook her meals difficult and vacuuming has become a problem.
She has received some equipment to help her-a raised toilet seat and a front-wheeled walker. Iris says that she continues to need support to shower.
Iris also mentions that she finds it very difficult when she needs to do important business in town-like visit the bank, the doctor or the accountant-as it is so hard to make herself understood.

1. What additional cleaning services would you recommend to Iris? List at least (3) three.

2. What cleaning jobs would Iris still be able to do?

3. What suggestion would you make to Iris about cooking meals?

4. What equipment could assist Iris in the shower?

5. What assistance could be given to help Iris when she is dealing with business matters?

6. What role should Iris have in this process?

1. Bed Bath

The Trainer must complete the checklist below based on the observation of the students' performance.

Task A: Bed bath Provider
Did the candidate do the following?
Prepare for the task: gathered the person's clothes, towels, toiletries, water containers, and washcloths
Place a towel under the person's body and cover the person to uphold dignity and privacy
Wash and dry the person's face
Wash and dry the person's arms
Wash and dry the person's torso
Roll the client on the side and wash and dry their back
Wash and dry the person's legs and feet
Wash and dry the person's genitals
Wash and dry the persons buttocks and perineum
Dress the person

Task B: Assistant to the Bed bath Provider
Did the candidate do the following?
Prepare for the task: gathered the persons clothes, towels, toiletries, water containers, and washcloths
Place a towel under the person's body and cover the person to uphold dignity and privacy
Wash and dry the person's face
Wash and dry the person's arms
Wash and dry the person's torso
Roll the client on the side and wash and dry their back
Wash and dry the person's legs and feet
Wash and dry the person's genitals
Wash and dry the person's buttocks and perineum
Dress the person

2. Personal Care

Paul is 23 years old and has partial paralysis of the left arm and a balance disorder [paralysis-inability of a muscle or group of muscles to move voluntarily].

He has a mild intellectual disability. Paul does not speak but can communicate with yes/no responses to questions, looking down for a no response and looking up for a yes response. Paul uses a four-wheeled frame for mobility. Paul requires some physical assistance with most personal care tasks, but he is always willing and determined to attempt tasks first before accepting assistance. Paul is incontinent of urine and faeces [lost ability to control bladder and bowels] and uses incontinence pads.

Paul is going out to a restaurant for a family lunch gathering and he requires your assistance with his personal care tasks to get ready for this event. Paul has an Individualised Plan for each of the following tasks: showering, dressing, grooming, meal assistance, toileting, and oral hygiene.

You are required to assist Paul with each personal care task. For each task and for each person; Paul's Individualised Plan has been provided. This will guide you with the procedure. You will be assessed by your trainer using the observation checklist that follows.

Paul's Individualised Plans
• I prefer to shower in the mornings before breakfast
• I must sit on a shower chair
• I must hold the rails when standing
• I will show you the shampoo if I want my hair washed [full assistance is required with hair washing]
• I prefer assistance from male staff but will accept assistance from female staff if there are no male staff available
• I prefer to use liquid soap from the soap dispenser mounted on the shower wall
• I use a long-handled sponge to wash my lower legs and feet
• I need assistance with washing and drying the right side of my torso and my bottom
• Once assisted with washing, allow Paul a few minutes to relax under the running water [no supervision required]

• I must be sitting down to get dressed and undressed
• I can put my own pants and underwear on, but I need your help to pull them all the way up or down
• I need help with any buttons or zips
• I need your support to put my sleeve on my left arm first. I can get my sleeve on my right arm myself with help from staff.
• I can put on and take off my own socks, but I may need you to straighten out any creases for me
• I can put on and take off my own shoes but I will need your help to do up and undo my shoe laces
• When I am ready to put my incontinence pad [tab fastened] on and pull my pants up, I will hold on to the handrail so you can help me with this. I do the same when I take my incontinence pad off

• Nails:Please help me to keep my nails trimmed
• Shaving: I like to shave my face daily using a razor. I can do this task myself but I'd need your help to squirt the shaving cream onto my right hand. I need to be sitting down when I shave. Please supervise me though, because sometimes I can be a bit too hasty and I need a reminder to slow down. I like to wear a splash of aftershave when I am going out. I need your help to put this on my right hand so I can apply it to my face
• Hair: I can comb my own hair

Meal Assistance
• I can feed myself using my right hand
• I need you to cut up all of my food into bite-sized pieces
• I use a plate guard so I can scoop my food using a spoon by myself
• I use a cup with a handle and a sipping lid for my drinks
• Please make my hot drinks lukewarm as I am prone to burning my mouth with very hot drinks due to the paralysis on my left side
• I wear a clothes protector [apron] as I can be a little messy with my eating due to the paralysis
• I like to have a serviette close by so I can wipe my mouth as required

• Even though I am incontinent, I still prefer to go to the toilet regularly[Sometimes this is successful]
• I can get myself on and off the toilet, but I need your help to pull my pants up and down and change my incontinence pad
• I can wipe my own bottom but I need your help to get the toilet paper off the toilet roll
• I like to go to the toilet before going out for the day and before bed

Oral Care
• I like to clean my teeth after breakfast and before bed
• I need your help to squeeze the toothpaste onto the toothbrush
• I can brush my teeth by myself
• I use an electric toothbrush

Attachment:- Chronic disease assesment.rar

Reference no: EM132924104

Questions Cloud

What is the role of gatekeepers : 1. Consider a research study you might conduct. What is the role of gatekeepers? Give an example!
What is integrated chronic disease management : Describe the characteristics of a chronic illness or disease as per the World Health Organisation and What is Integrated Chronic Disease Management
Describe how would address the opponent to position : Advocate a position for the bill you selected and write testimony in support of your position. Describe how you would address the opponent to your position.
Identify the proponents and opponents of the bill : Determine the legislative intent of the bill you have reviewed. Identify the proponents/opponents of the bill. Identify the target populations addressed.
Explain the Wagner Model for chronic illness : Describe the characteristics of a chronic illness or disease as per the World Health Organisation and Explain the Wagner Model for chronic illness
What will the account be worth : If done shortly after the birth of the? child, with a 5.00 percent annual return and no other? contributions, what will the account be worth
How might apply stepwise approach to address the health : Reflect on drugs used to treat asthmatic patients, including long-term control for patients. How might apply stepwise approach to address the health
What amount of taxes would she owe : Principal residence $919,500 (Individually owned; ACB - $400,000) What amount of taxes would she owe assuming her tax rate is 45% in the year of death
How stepwise management assists health care providers : Explain how stepwise management assists health care providers and patients in gaining and maintaining control of the disease. Be specific.


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