Explain the value of cost classifications

Assignment Help Cost Accounting
Reference no: EM131232906 , Length:

Introduction to Management Accounting Assignment-

Mal Ltd

Mal Ltd. is a producer and importer of freshly cut flowers based in the country side village of Tagus. It has made a name for from its gerberas, roses, carnations, and tulips, although the portfolio includes a range of itself other products. Tulips and some special flowers are imported from the Netherlands. Products are sold at its premises to florists, in the trade market to wholesalers and retailers, and directly to a large retail chain. The market for fresh flowers is very competitive, with significant pressure over prices. There is high seasonality in supply (e.g. spring and early summer) and demand (e.g. valentine day, mother's day, Christmas). When there is a significant mismatch between those supply and demand, prices can fluctuate widely, from 'rock bottom' prices that do not cover production costs to 'sky high' prices that make very generous profit margins. In addition to price, the market values highly product freshness, reliability of supply, speed of delivery, and range products available (including colour variations).


1. Conduct some research to explain the value of cost classifications for Mal Ltd. and how this may assist Mr and Mrs Long in improving their decision-making processes.

2. Conduct some research into costing techniques that Mal Ltd. might find useful. Based on this research and using the detail in the case, choose a specific technique (or set of techniques) that you believe would be most suitable. Describe specifically how your chosen technique(s) could be used by providing tangible examples of how they would operate within Mal Ltd. It should be clear from these examples how Mal would determine a product cost for their products. Also, briefly describe why you consider your chosen technique(s) to be superior to other techniques.

(Please note: you are not required to actually calculate any costs here, just outline how costing could be done differently. Therefore, you may wish to provide a table or diagram outlining the operation of your proposed costing technique(s).

3. Using the detail in the case, describe how your chosen method of calculating product cost will be beneficial within Mal Ltd. and have relevance to management.

Word Limit: 1,200 words

Referencing: Please use APA style referencing.

Attachment:- Mal Ltd.rar

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This assignment is about Mal limited, which is a producer and importer of freshly cut flowers. A research has been conducted to explain the value of the cost classifications for Mal ltd. that will be helpful to Mr and Mrs Long in improving processes of their decision making. In next step, research in costing technique has been conducted for Mal ltd. A specific technique "most significant digit pricing" has been chosen as specific pricing technique. All other pricing techniques have been discussed with examples. Figures and tables have been provided, wherever needed. Why the chosen technique is superior to other techniques has also been detailed.

Reference no: EM131232906

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10/8/2016 7:32:33 AM

Thanks for saving my life, i have submitted the task on time. I will come up with new assignments soon, and for sure with more deadline. Have a great day.


10/8/2016 7:31:38 AM

hi I have 5 hours left before the submission. If it is finished plz let me know .thanks hi I forget the time difference. It is due 6th Oct (Australia time) There is just 2-3 hours left Sorry I know it is too urgent, but the submission deadline is in the afternoon so I really need it there are 3 hours half left and I submit it a bit late. Hi Can I know whether it is available now? I need to turnitin.

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