Reference no: EM131042218
PleaseThe Sources are Uploaded and the Provided Links. There are 2 for this Assignment . Look below and use them In Paper Development, APA Format In-Text Citations, and Reference Page.
A description of the scale you might use to evaluate treatment for the client in the case study you selected and explain why you selected that scale. Be sure to reference the case study you selected in your post. Finally, explain the validity and reliability of that scale.
For this Discussion, review this week's Resources, including the course-specific case of "HIV/AIDS: The Case of Pedro" . Then use the uploaded pdf Scale Efficacy to evaluate the treatment, and consider why it might be useful in evaluating treatment. Finally, think about the validity and reliability of that scale.
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].
Working with Clients with HIV/AIDS: The Case of Pedro
Drachler, M. L., Drachler, C. W., Teixeira, L. B., & de Carvalho Leite, J. C. (2016). The Scale of Self-Efficacy Expectations of Adherence to
Antiretroviral Treatment: A Tool for Identifying Risk for Non-Adherence to Treatment for HIV. Plos ONE, 11(2), 1-11. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147443
Modify the make-account procedure of exercise
: Modify the make-account procedure of exercise 3.3 by adding another local state variable so that, if an account is accessed more than seven consecutive times with an incorrect password, it invokes the procedure call-the-cops.
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Modify the make-account procedure
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Explain the validity and reliability of that scale
: A description of the scale you might use to evaluate treatment for the client in the case study you selected and explain why you selected that scale. Be sure to reference the case study you selected in your post. Finally, explain the validity and ..
In software-testing applications
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: Does your artifact reveal your perspective of who you are as a student and a learner?
Identify the weaknesses in the stocktake procedures
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Would your advice be the same if roberts mail
: Advise Eve of her rights, if any, against Adam and any remedies available for her under common law - would your advice be different if Eve has asked Adam the exact turnover of the business?