Explain the use of tools - the source of the tools

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM132267744

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"You now have to analyze an actual attack stream. It's 3:00 am and the phone rings. The boss is worried that an incident has occurred because the overnight IDS crew is seeing some funny alerts on the ACID/BASE console of the company's snort Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Thankfully, a sniffer was configured on that segment of the network, so a complete packet capture of the time spanning the "event" was saved for analysis. Unfortunately, the security budget has been slashed due to the down economy, so the packet capture is all you have to work with for this analysis....or is it?

Write a three page lab report that details the steps took to analysis of this "event." If you use any special tools, explain the use of tools, the source of the tools, and the way the tools would be used to respond to this "event."

Attachment:- Scenario.rar

Reference no: EM132267744

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8/31/2019 2:55:24 AM

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