Explain the use of data analytics in auditing

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM133062901

Question 1: Explain and design substantive tests using computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs)

Question 2: Discuss the e-commerce environment and systems and their audit implications

Question 3: Explain the use of data analytics in auditing

Question 4: Understand using Power Query to import multiple excel files and XLookup to combine data sets

Question 5. Explain what generalised audit software (GAS) is, and illustrate how it can be used in substantive testing of sales/trade receivables.

Question 6. Combine the January, February and March sales reports for Thirty Fourty Co. Who was the biggest customer for the quarter?

Question 7. Use Xlookup (or V-lookup if you are using an older version of Excel) to combine the sales data with the Sales Rep data. Who were the three most successful sales reps?

Question 8. Use Xlookup (or V-lookup if you are using an older version of Excel) to combine the sales data with the orders data. Does this information make any difference to your view as to who the three most successful sales reps were for the quarter?

Reference no: EM133062901

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