Reference no: EM13838289
Assignment Requirements
1. On the first page of your assignment list all questions attempted and include an academic integrity statement that the work submitted is your own and that all sources used have been acknowledged.
2. Your turnitin submission will consist of two files - a Word file and an Excel file. Both options will be available in turnitin.
3. Paste the spreadsheet solution and a formula view of each spreadsheet in the word file showing row and column headings for both. Paste the normal view first then the formula view. Your word file will provide a complete answer to every question. Use portrait orientation wherever possible. all data will be in the data entry area. the report area will contain no data - just formulas. check the spreadsheet requirements carefully. You only need to submit a spreadsheet file for those problems specifying such. You can, if you wish submit spreadsheet solutions to other questions but these do not need to comply with the spreadsheet requirements.
3. Name the two files with your family name only as the file name. Record your name, student id number and page number as a footer on every page of your assignments. Where you are asked to make changes in a spreadsheet, please highlight the changes.
4. Assignment solutions must be presented in the same sequence as set out in the study schedule.
5. Provide references throughout the assignment and include a reference list (bibliography) at the end of all sources used including internet resources. If using internet resources include the URL. The date of date of access is not required in this subject. Post enquiries to the subject forum to clarify any assignment format issues.
6. Your text, MyAccountingLab and Interact2 resources may provide spreadsheet relevant templates. Their use is optional. Note that these templates may save you keying in data but they do not meet the assignment spreadsheet requirements.
7. For good spreadsheet design it is very important that you have completely separate data entry and solution/report areas. A good spreadsheet solution format is to key in the question in a structure which allows the solution to be completely formula driven. Thus NO data/numbers are entered into the solution/report area.
8. Create all the spreadsheets as separate spreadsheets in one workbook. Name the tags at the bottom of the computer screen with the question number. See the examples provided with the Spreadsheet Advice in the Introduction to the Interact2 modules.
9. Where appropriate, use the IF function to provide built-in checks etc. Balances equal? Net income or net loss?
10. How do you display potential negative numbers in brackets? Google the question! Hint. Format / Cells / Number and select Custom. Enter this: #,##0;(#,##0);0
11. Save each spreadsheet in your workbook with the cursor in cell A1 of the first spreadsheet.
12. Examples of spreadsheets are provided in the Spreadsheet Advice document in Interact2. You MUST read and follow these examples. If you choose to create spreadsheet solutions for other problems, these solutions do not need to comply with the spreadsheet requirements.
13. Please check for viruses. Do not use macros in your files.
14. Keep a copy of all your work. Make copies of your work in progress in case your computer has an accident. Backup frequently.
15. Record your name, student ID and page number as a footer on every page. It is imperative that you retain a copy including your spreadsheets. Complete feedback will be provided to you with your grade and comments by the assessor.
Students can discuss their work with each other prior to submission using the forum. However, please do not post complete versions of answers to the forum. Do not leave assignments until the last minute.
Organisation of assignments
The first page of your assignment should consist of the following parts:
o subject code and name;
o your name and student ID number;
o assignment task number;
o list of questions attempted and a list of questions not attempted;
o dates and details of any extension granted; usually include a copy of the approval email;
o an academic integrity statement that the work submitted is your own;
o an acknowledgement of all your sources, and
o a footer with your name, student ID and page number.
In todays business environment we need verbal skills, writing skills, numeracy skills AND digital literacy skills. All of these skills are assessed throughout your study. The early questions in this assignment are designed to assess your digital literacy in a business/accounting environment. It is suggested that you attempt the assignment questions week by week as listed in the Study Schedule in the last column.
Solutions to questions should vary in length according to the nature of the question. Solutions to exercises and problem questions should be in a similar form to that demonstrated in the text.
Submit your work electronically through turnitin. The work you submit must be your own. In the recent past a few students have received heavy penalties for submitting assignments which were not entirely their own work.
For this assignment some questions require a spreadsheet. Check the Assignment Requirements above AND the Spreadsheet Advice in the Introduction section on Interact2 AND the interactive videos.
Present your solutions in exactly the same sequence as specified in the Study Schedule.
Students should normally submit the assignment only once. Multiple copies received by the University can result in unnecessary delays.
The text Quick Check multiple choice questions are NOT part of the assignment, do not need to be submitted and do not attract marks. Distance students will attempt them and discuss answers on the subject forum. Hopefully we can get some discussion going. And please note that its a good idea to practice multiple choice questions. There are some in the final exam!
Study Centre students will receive advice from their instructors regarding whether you have forum or class discussion on the QC questions.
See the Study Schedule.
Assignment task
Q-2 How can computer spreadsheets (eg. Excel) be pasted into a word document showing rows and column headings? Formula views? Describe two different copy and paste methods and paste simple examples of each method in your assignment showing row and column headings, the normal view and the formula view.
Q-3 List four web sites relevant to accounting with their URLs. Explain how is each relevant to accounting.
Q-4 What is Second Life? What is its connection with CPAA? Explain.
Q-5 Work Integrated Assessment. Describe the computing environment in your current or previous workplace or home office workplace - equipment, software, processes etc. If this is a task you cannot undertake, explain why you cannot - and as an alternative task, describe the history and evolution of the Internet (about 300 words).
Q-6 Play the CPA ABC Learning movies (from Interact2 Resources or the Internet), identify and briefly explain three (3) accounting issues raised by this case.
The above set of questions are designed to assess your digital literacy and can be answered from any source including the computer sections of magazines and newspapers or by access to the Internet. If using the Internet include the URL reference. For the purposes of this subject we do not require the URL date of access.
Q-7 Learning Objective: understanding the accounting equation.
Explain the underlying rationale for the accounting equation. What are these symbols P A L E R? They are discussed in section 2.2 of the modules in Interact (or in the Resources section). Relate them to sources and uses of funds and the double entry system. Give examples of increases and decreases in -P-.
Q-8 Balance Sheet Equation. Spreadsheet required.
Note that Interact2 resources including Spreadsheet Advice and the worksheet video may assist in completing this assignment question.
Q-9 Give 4 examples each of assets, liabilities and owners equity (Proprietorship) accounts.
Q-10 What is a chart of accounts? What is its purpose?
Q-11 List eight accounts with normal debit balances. List eight accounts with normal credit balances.
Q-12 Learning Objective: understand and apply the Accounting Equation
A. Create a manual solution.
B. Create a spreadsheet solution. Paste normal and and formula views.
C. Change 4 numbers such that the trial balance still balances. Paste this new normal view. Ensure that you choose the 4 changes yourself. Highlight the data changes with the yellow highlighter in Excel.
Note that Interact2 resources including Spreadsheet Advice and the worksheet video may assist in completing this assignment.
Q-13 What is accrual accounting? Give examples,
Q-14 Why are adjusting entries needed at the end of the period?
Q-15 List four types of adjusting entries and give examples of each.
Q-16 You pay $240 for a magazine subscription for the next 12 months. How should the magazine company account for this transaction? Show the journal entry. Show the adjusting entry after 6 months.
Q-17 Distinguish between the adjusted trial balance and the post closing trial balance.
Q-18 Distinguish between current and non current liabilities. Give your own examples of each.
Q-19 Explain the current ratio and the debt ratio. Create your own numerical examples.
Q-20 Learning Objective: prepare a worksheet and financial reports using a properly constructed spreadsheet.
Note that Interact2 resources including Spreadsheet Advice and the worksheet video may assist in completing this assignment.
Create a ten column worksheet and enter this data . Also your spreadsheet will create the financial reports. Change three numbers to create a second version of the spreadsheet. Highlight the three data changes in yellow. Paste the two normal views and one formula view. Use the IF function where ever appropriate.
Assessment task 1 is designed to give you an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and skills in aspects of accounting and information systems including technical issues as well as concepts and the application of spreadsheet software to the presentation and solution of accounting problems.
In this assignment task, you are required to complete all questions and submit all necessary workings.
A list of references is required at the end of your assignment as well as throughout your assignment.
The assignments in this subject are designed to assess your application of knowledge and skills. Assignment questions include problems, discussion questions, spreadsheets and questions related to digital literacy. The assignment questions are structured so as to simulate a pattern of weekly learning. Students are encouraged to attempt this subject by studying on a regular (weekly) basis. The nature of the understanding and skills required means it is unwise to leave study until the last minute. Note the special requirements for the spreadsheet sections of your assignment detailed in the Spreadsheet Advice in the Introduction section of Interact2.
The final examination in this subject will include questions assessing similar knowledge application, understanding and skills as the assignment work.