Explain the two theoretical models

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Reference no: EM131468090

After reading Chapters in your textbook

Theorist Gallery Tour, it is likely that a few theoretical models are of interest to you.

In this discussion, you will explain the two theoretical models you related the most with and tell how the theorists' ideas align with your current beliefs about how children learn, grow, and develop. This will help as you work to understand who you are as an early childhood educator.

Theorists and Theories

Piaget: Theory of Cognitive Development

Vygotsky: Sociocultural Theory of Development

Gardner: Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Skinner: Operant Conditioning Theory

Bandura: Social Learning Theory

Freud: Psychosexual Theory of Development

Erikson: Theory of Psychosocial Development

Kohlberg: Theory of Moral Development

Initial post: Your initial post should include the following:

Describe the two theoretical models you connect with the most. Explain your thinking.

o Summarize the models in your own words.

o Explain specifically how/why each model aligns with your belief about how children learn, grow and develop.

o Describe a real-life example for each theoretical model. For example, if you have seen a teacher provide scaffolding, explain what you saw and how it aligns with Vygotsky.

Guided Response: Read and respond to at least two of your peers' posts who chose at least one different theoretical model than you did. In your responses, ask questions of your peer that will help you learn more about their choice or about how you might use this theoretical model in your work with children.

Verified Expert

This assignment is regarding the different theoretical models for explaining behavioral psychology and how these models help to understand the real life settings. Skinner's ope rant conditioning and Bandura's social learning model has been taken into consideration.

Reference no: EM131468090

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4/20/2017 12:56:16 AM

Assignment to be completed - Read and respond to at least two of your peers' posts who chose at least one different theoretical model than you did. In your responses, ask questions of your peer that will help you learn more about their choice or about how you might use this theoretical model in your work with children.

Write a Review

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