Explain the triple constraint theory

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133349423


1.Explain the triple constraint theory. Based on the information provided in the case study, which variables do you think are fixed and which are more variable/negotiable. Substantiate your response.

2: Describe the organizational influences that you would need to take into consideration if you were managing this project? Provide supporting information that was learned from the PMBOK, class discussion and jigsaw exercise.

3. if you were managing this project, what characteristics would you need to demonstrate as a project manager in order to maximize your chances of being successful?

Imagine that you were hired as the project manager of the Lay's Factory Home Heating project and it is your first day on the job. Describe what steps you would take first.

4. Describe, using specific knowledge areas and processes covered in the PMBOK® Guide and in the course materials, what would be involved in the initiating a project such as this?

5. Develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) that reflects 100% of the scope of work that your team needs to complete for the group project. Ensure that your WBS reflects both the project and the product scope, and contains at least three (3) levels of decomposition. Your WBS can either be in a graphical or list format.

6. Would you consider using a predictive or an adaptive approach for this project's implementation? Why or why not? Be specific.

7. . What environmental influences would you consider before initiating this project? Be specific.

8. What is the purpose of developing a stakeholder register? How does it help you manage a project?

9. .Great news! You managed to successfully deliver Lay's Factory Home Heating, just as you planned. What do you do now?

10. .What is the difference between project execution and project monitoring and controlling? What is the focus of each of these process groups? Demonstrate using an example.

Case Study: Lay's Factory Home Heating

It started with a potato-or actually, a whole lot of potatoes. As companies rethink how their operations impact the world around them, leaders at a snack factory in Veurne, Belgium, that makes Lay's chips had a radical idea about all the vapor that comes with cooking up to 20 tons of potatoes per hour.

"The production process of our range of chips releases a lot of heat that we don't use," says plant director Anke Van de Weyer at food and beverage giant PepsiCo?, which owns the brand. At the same time, developer Ion? was looking for more eco-friendly ways to heat the homes in its new Suikerpark residential project.

By forging a partnership with Belgian energy companies Noven? and Fluvius? as well as local government officials, project leaders found a way to transfer heat from the factory to the new development. PepsiCo installed a condenser to capture the hot vapors released as a byproduct of the cooking process. Noven and Fluvius worked together to build a transfer system that repurposes those vapors to heat an underground circuit that delivers hot water into a home's radiators and subfloor hydronic heating tubes. Project leaders designed the system so hot water recirculates constantly to reduce waste. Plus, it supplies hot water to kitchen and bath faucets.

"With such a heat network, the homes and apartments no longer need to have an individual heating system," says Ion CEO Davy Demuynck.

For PepsiCo, the project is a way to move closer to meeting two of its goals: cutting the company's carbon emissions by more than 40 percent by 2030 and becoming net zero by 2040.

The team connected the first homes to the system this year-and by the time all 500 residences are using the system, the impact could be substantial. Project leaders believe it could eliminate an estimated 1,456 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions over the next 10 years.

But Suikerpark is just the start. Studies by Noven show the development will use only one-third of the residual heat from the plant. So project leaders at the plant-the area's largest private employer-are already looking to expand the system to include more than 2,000 homes, the local hospital and other public buildings.

For companies looking for new solutions, the project provides some serious food for thought-and highlights the power of collaboration.

"This heat network is a perfect practical example that demonstrates how we can convert heat loss into climate-friendly energy gains when companies, the government and citizens join forces," says Zuhal Demir, Flemish minister of energy.

Reference no: EM133349423

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