Reference no: EM133828319
Capstone Creative Implementation Plan
This is the third course where you have been working to define and shape your Capstone Project. You outlined your project in PSY 561, refined it in PSY 562 and received peer feedback on ways you could still improve it earlier in this course. Now, you need to finalize your plan. This paper will serve as the blueprint for what you will implement in the next course, PSY 590.
Provide at least one paragraph in response to each of the following questions:
Question 1. Detailed description of your Capstone Project.
Question 2. Who is/are the person(s) you are targeting for the Capstone Project? Get your assignment done Now!
Question 3. What is the main benefit you intend to provide to your target audience through your Capstone Project?
Question 4. How do you intend to deliver and ensure that your target audience derives this benefit?
Question 5. What main principle or theory from positive psychology are you emphasizing in your Capstone Project?
Question 6. How will this principle from positive psychology be explicitly demonstrated in your project?
Question 7. Explain the timeline that you will need in order to fully implement your project. In other words, how much time is needed from the start of the project to the finish? Detail the actual steps you will take to implement the entire project from start to finish.
Question 8. What logistical items need to be attended to before you are able to begin implementing your intended Capstone Project? This would include: a) securing the individual(s) involved; b) securing a location for the project; c) any preparations that are needed prior to implementation (such as research, funding, permissions, acquiring video or audio tools, etc.); d) any other logical items or resources that need to be acquired or attended to. Be specific and provide approximate dates for when you intend to have these logical items in place.
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