Explain the test for isp throttling

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Reference no: EM131516303

Question: Test for ISP Throttling

Glasnost is a throttle-testing tool that you can run from a Web browser. The only catch is that you must have the current version of Java installed in your browser, but then you can test several different kinds of traffic to determine if your ISP is throttling those types of traffic either during upload or download. Java is easiest to install in Internet Explorer for Windows computers. A version of Java is also available for Mac computers. The steps for this project will work for either. You must also have Internet access. If you don't currently have Java installed in your browser, complete the following steps:

1. Open your browser and navigate to java.com, then download and install the correct version of Java for your computer. If you're using a Windows computer, be sure to select the correct bit version, either 32-bit or 64-bit.

2. After installing Java, close your browser and reopen it to complete installation. Complete the following steps to test your ISP connection for throttling:

3. In your browser, do a search for the term glasnost test and most likely the first result will be the Max Planck Institute Web site. At the time of this writing, the address was broadband.mpi-sws.org/transparency/bttest.php. Click the link to open the test Web site.

4. Scroll down to the box containing the Glasnost tests. At the time of this writing, several Glasnost tests are listed toward the bottom of the Web page. Click to select the Flash video (e.g., YouTube) test, then click Start testing. If a UAC dialog box appears, click Run.

5. The test will run for a few minutes, then produce results on your ISP's service. What upload and download results did you receive? Did you get any notes of explanation or caution?

6. Click the detailed measurement results of the test here link. What ports were tested? What was the highest speed measured?

7. Return to the test page and rerun the test using the HTTP transfer option. If you get a Java dialog box asking if you want to run the application, click Run. What upload and download results did you receive?

8. Click the detailed measurement results of the test here link. What ports were tested this time? What was the highest speed measured?

9. Conduct one more test of your choice. List the test you select, then report your upload and download results, as well as the ports tested and the highest speed measured.

10. Conduct the tests again on a different day at a different time of day. Did you get different results? Why do think this might be?

Many IT security experts recommend removing Java from your computer if you don't have a continuing need for it. Therefore, if you installed Java for this project and do not intend to continue using Glasnost, complete the following steps to uninstall Java on a Windows computer (steps will vary for other OSs):

11. Open the Control Panel and click Uninstall a program.

12. Select any Java listing, click Uninstall, and then click Yes.

Reference no: EM131516303

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