Explain the stereotype and elaborate on its connection

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Reference no: EM131452316

1. Tin Pan Alley has a song form that is tied to a particular style of performance art. What is it? How does "Over the Rainbow" fit into this? What role does the orchestra play, and how does it evoke emotion into the performance of the vocalist?

2. The song "Shake, Rattle and Roll" has sexual innuendos that frightened white parents. Explain the stereotype and elaborate on its connection with the time frame of the song.  Is there any comparison to Rap music today?

3. The song "I'm Sittin' on Top of the World" by Les Paul and Mary Williams is a technological wonder. What makes it so unique for its time? Elaborate on the technological and musical contributions by Les Paul as they pertain to this song.

Reference no: EM131452316

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