Reference no: EM133203087 , Length: 2 pages.
Assignment: Stages of Product Life Cycle Essay
Choose one of the topic from each part and anwser it. Each part should have at least 250 words. (give me before 12pm NY time)
Instruction: Answer 1 from 1, 1 from2, 1 from 3 and 1 from 4. Show the letters, do all the parts.
1. Part 1 question one: (i) expanded meaning of product, (ii) convenience-shopping-specialty products, (iii) consumer v. industrial products. question two: draw, label and explain the stages of new product development. question three: draw, label and explain the stages of the product life cycle.
2. Part 2 question one: (i) expanded definition of price, (ii) pricing for a bigger market share, c) three kinds of non-price competition. question two: (i) benefits of skim pricing, (ii) elastic, inelastic, unitary demand. question three: (i) benefits of penetration pricing, (ii) customary pricing, (iii) seasonal-quantity-cash discounts.
3. Part 3 question one: manufacturer, agent, retailer, wholesaler-customer. question two: (i) maintaining cooperation and avoiding conflict across the channel of distribution, (ii) intensive, selective and exclusive distribution. question three: give positives and negatives for (i) pipeline, (ii) airplane, (iii) train, (iv) ship, (v) truck.
4. Part 4 question one: (i) sender, (ii) medium, (iii) message, (iv) receiver, (v) encode, (vi) decode, (vii) noise, (viii) feedback. question two: (i) advertising, (ii) personal selling, (iii) sales promotion, (iv) publicity, (v) public relations. question three: give positives and negatives for (i) magazine, (ii) newspaper, (iii) radio, (iv) television, (v) social media, (vi) transit.