Reference no: EM1336793
Your assignment is to organize a charity event. You can be as creative as you want here. Here are conditions of your assignment:
1. You must use at least two programs, one of which must be a Windows program such as Word, WordPad, or Paint.
2. Describe the specifics of the event including date, time, location, charity event, and organization in a 1-2 page flyer. Also, include some sort of history or explanation for the purpose of the event.
3. Include as many graphics (such as Clip Art) in your file as you like. To insert graphics into WordPad,
a. Create the graphic and save the file. Then choose Insert -> Object. Select "Create From File" and browse for the Paint document you created. Then click OK.
b. Choose Insert -> Object. Select "Create New" and select "Object Type," such as Microsoft Clip Gallery. Then click OK.
4. Format text (size, color, alignment on page, etc.) to help beautify the document.
5. If you are not including a file for the second program, include proof (screen prints and descriptions) that you utilized the third program to organize your charity event. For example, if you used the Calculator, send screen prints in a file with explanations of what you did and how it relates to your event.
This event should be completely fictitious. Use your imagination and be creative, but most importantly, take advantage of various Windows programs and their capabilities to help you create your event.
If you are going to use pre-made graphics, make sure there are no copyright restrictions. Microsoft Clip Art is your safest bet.
Make sure your work incorporates all five conditions listed above.
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