Reference no: EM133320517
Question 1: How has your writing process evolved throughout producing writing for ENGL 110C? How has your writing improved? What do you feel you have left to learn or improve upon? Give specific examples to trace the trajectory of your growth and development in the course of writing the Literary Review Essay, Proposal, TED Presentation paper and IMRAD Essay. Which were your favorite and least favorite papers overall? Why?
Question 2: Briefly argue how and why you feel you should pass ENGL 110C and are ready to move on to sophomore-level composition courses. Examine the student learning outcomes on the syllabus for ideas. Emphasize your writing skills, not your student performance (in other words, show that you mastered basic writing, not just that you turned in the work assigned).
Question 3: Explain the significance of analyzing the rhetorical situation before writing. What have you learned about changing rhetorical situations and genres and the importance of considering the audience in the act of composition? How might this type of analysis help you in other classes? Why? Did you learn any other skills that are transferable in the future? Explain via specific examples.
Question 4: Write your original and signature quotation that encapsulates your thoughts on writing and yourself as a writer. For example, Ernest Hemingway wrote, "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." Ray Bradbury "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." Jack Kerouac said, "One day, I will find the right words, and they will be simple." Be creative, but brief.?