Explain the sign of each of the cross-price elasticities

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133496598


The accompanying table lists the cross-price elasticities of demand for several goods, where the percent quantity change is measured for the first good of the pair, and the percent price change is measured for the second good.


Cross-price elasticities of demand

Air-conditioning units and kilowatts of electricity 


Coke and Pepsi 


High-fuel-consuming sport-utility vehicles (SUVs) and gasoline 


McDonald's burgers and Burger King burgers 


Butter and margarine 


Question 1. Explain the sign of each of the cross-price elasticities. What does it imply about the relationship between the two goods in question?

Question 2. Compare the absolute values of the cross-price elasticities and explain their magnitudes. For example, why is the cross-price elasticity of McDonald's burgers and Burger King Burgers less than the cross-price elasticity of butter and margarine?

Question 3. Use the information in the table to calculate how a 5% increase in the price of Pepsi affects the quantity of Coke demanded.

Question 4. Use the information in the table to calculate how a 10% decrease in the price of gasoline affects the quantity of SUVs demanded

Reference no: EM133496598

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