Reference no: EM13821370
Self-Determination Theory
While designing educational programs, the instructional designer must keep in mind areas such as what the motives for learning are, how education leads to a transformational journey, how adults change and develop, how learning changes the adult, how barriers to learning and growth are removed, and how adults can be guided through a learning transition. One example of primary adult needs is acknowledging that as individuals mature, their self-concept moves from that of dependent personalities toward that of self-directing human beings. Adult learners often bring experiences and opinions to the classroom that are different from the experiences brought by traditional students, therefore, adding value to the learning experience. As an instructional designer or a teacher, you must also keep in mind the potential changes that can occur in adults through these courses.
In this assignment, you will focus on the needs, priorities, and learning theories for designers when designing educational programs for adult learners.
In a minimum of 400 words, respond to the following points:
Explain the self-determination theory as it relates to adult learners.
Provide examples of the self-determination theory as it applies to the application of technology, classroom teaching, and motivation.
Read all of your fellow students' postings and respond to at least two of your classmates' posts and consider commenting on the
diversity and uniqueness of adult learners highlighting the following points:
Adults accumulate a growing reservoir of life experiences.
Adults' learning is directly related to their desire to learn.
Adults are more problem centered than subject centered in learning.
Adults are motivated to learn more by internal factors rather than by external factors.