Explain the science and faith reflection

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133197349

Science and Faith Reflection

Goal of Assignment: This activity is intended to stimulate thought and discussion surrounding the relationship between science and faith.  It is imperative for Christians to develop a personal stance for where we sit on this topic because the World often makes incorrect assumptions (on both extremes) about Christianity and science. I want you to go into the world ready to have meaningful conversations about how your faith fits in with the world in which we live. There is no right or wrong answer. The goal is for you to start thinking about the relationship between science and faith and to begin formulating your own personal stance on the topic using the evidence you will learn about later this week. The course outcome addressed in this activity is as follows:

  • Examine prevailing relationships between evolutionary science and faith & formulate a personal stance based on evidence

Instructions: This learning activity provides a record of your beliefs and thoughts at the beginning of this course. We will do another reflection towards the end of the course that you can compare this witha to see if your views have changed or developed. Please thoughtfully respond to the following prompts and questions. There is no one correct answer for these questions. As long as you thoughtfully compose your answers and justify your reasoning as directed 

Please complete this learning activity after watching the Reconciliation Science & Faith video and before reading the Demystifying Darwin document.

  1. How would you define evolution?
  2. Overall, do people accept the theory of evolution? Please explain your answer.
  3. Do people  believe that a Christian can also accept the theory of evolution - in part or whole? Please explain your answer. (You may answer this question based on your personal religious beliefs or your understanding of Christianity).
  4. Would you be comfortable having a conversation about the relationship between science and faith with someone? Do you feel you would have something to add to such a conversation? Please explain your answer.
  5. Describe your current personal view on the relationship between science and faith. Be sure to include any qualifiers or limits that may exist within your personal view.

Reference no: EM133197349

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