Explain the sampling distribution

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Reference no: EM131456329

Question: In 2008 the Better Business Bureau settled 75% of complaints it received (USA Today. March 2, 2009). Suppose you have been hired by the Better Business Bureau to investigate the complaints it received this year involving new car dealers. You plan to select a sample of new car dealer complaints to estimate the proportion of complaints the Better Business Bureau is able to settle. Assume the population proportion of complaints settled for new car dealers is .75, the same as the overall proportion of complaints settled in 2008.

a. Suppose you select a sample of 450 complaints implying new car dealers. Show the sampling distribution of P¯.

b. Based icon a sample of 450 complaints. what is the probability that the sample pro-portion will be within .04 of the population proportion?

c. Suppose you select a sample of 200 complaints involving new car dealers. Show the sampling distribution of P¯.

d. Based upon the smaller sample of only 330 com plants. what is the probability that the sample proportion will be within .04 of the population proportion?

e. As measured by the increase in probability, how much do you gain in precision by taking the larger sample in part (b)?

Reference no: EM131456329

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