Explain the role of ram and clock speed

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379672

Treat each of the questions individually and in the order given below. The focus of your answers should be on answering the 'why' questions posed below and your explanations for your recommendations. This is not a formal paper and APA guidelines do not need to be followed. You should identify the question you are answering and then provide your answer for that question.

[1] Accuracy of data input is important. What method of data input would be best for each of the following situations and explain why:

Printed questionnaires

Telephone survey

Bank checks

Retail tags

Long documents

[2] Convenience and quality of output are important. Explain what method of output would be best for each of the following situations and explain why:

Hand held computer

Color photograph



Statistical report

Company annual report

§ Different types of storage devices are optimal for different situations. Explain what situations are appropriate for the following devices and explain why:

Hard disk

Thumb Drive




[3] Describe the role of each of the following in determining the speed of a personal computer:


Clock speed

Data on hard disk

Data on CD ROM

Data on floppy disk


Reference no: EM1379672

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Explain the role of ram and clock speed : Describe the role of each of the following in determining the speed of a personal computer, RAM, Clock speed, Data on hard disk
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Procedure to manually remove the existing power supply : Explain the procedure necessary to properly install or replace the computer power supply in a computer.


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