Explain the role of health information management systems

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Reference no: EM132422854 , Length: word count:500

Assignment - Consider the history of the patient-safety movement, the role of health information management systems on quality initiatives, and the impact of achievement of quality outcomes on the patient experience, accreditation, and value-based reimbursement.

What do you think the future of quality practice will be in regard to using data from HIM systems?

Does it change your approach to care? Need 1 - 2 Pages.

Reference no: EM132422854

Questions Cloud

What is the connection to social work : Practice Framework Assessment - Think of a person that you are working with and identify where you are in the process. What is the connection to social work
Specific topic in the area of Human Resources : Chose a specific topic in the area of Human Resources which interests you the most.
What is the annual transportation and holding cost : What is the annual transportation and holding cost if KAR Food ships a full truckload to each customer when they are running out of stock?
Analyze drivers that influence supply chain principles : Analyze current supply chain barriers which prevent future growth. Analyze drivers that influence supply chain principles. Supply chain management best practice
Explain the role of health information management systems : Consider the history of the patient-safety movement, the role of health information management systems on quality initiatives
How genetics and behavior might impact the pathophysiology : Explain how genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, and behavior might impact the pathophysiology of the alterations you identified, as well as diagnosis.
Session on workplace diversity at leadership conference : You've been asked to lead a session on workplace diversity at a leadership conference. Identify a company or organization that has a diverse workplace
Identify social policy at the local level : Identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that impacts well-being, service delivery, and access to social services.
Evaluate symptoms of an appropriate theoretical orientation : Evaluate symptoms within the context of an appropriate theoretical orientation for this diagnosis. For these two areas, provide a complete draft of your.


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