Reference no: EM13845906
The manufacturer wants to know if the density is affected by the cycle time with an error type 1 of 5%
Cycle time (min). (2.13, 1.99,2.11,2.16,2.11,1.89)
Density (2.34,2.59,2.40,2.85,2.04,2.22)
1. Determine the slope of the line
2. Determine the Y intersection
3. Determine the correlation coefficients
4. Conclusion based on the r value,
- Strong linear relations ship with a positive slope
- Strong linear relationship with negative slope
- No linear relationship
- None
5. Determine the experimental value of F
6. Determine the critical value of F
7. Conclusion based Anova
- Strong linear relations ship with a positive slope
- Strong linear relationship with negative slope
- No linear relationship
- None
Case 9 Design of Experiment (two K factorial Design)
- Prepare a two K Factorial Design, Each member of the team needs to collect samples to
- prepare a 2 by 2 matrix related to the same output variable and determine if the selected independent variables are affecting the depending Variable
- Use alpha of the 10% for T test
- Explain the results a use a program
Case 10: Statistical Process Control (Control Charts Part1)
- Prepare an X bar and R bar chart
- Collect samples to prepare five observation each from a process. Determine if the process is in control or not
- Explain the results a use a program and data tendencies that can be inferred in the report
- Explain the results as pictures
Case 11: Statistical Process Control (Process Capability)
- Collect sample to prepare five observation each from a process. Determine if the process is in control or not
- Explain the results and data tendencies that can be inferred in the report
Case 12: Statistical Process Control (Process Capability)
Conduct a Process Capability Ratio analysis
- Collect samples to prepare 10 samples from two process
- Determine which process is more consistent and if both of them are running within specification using Cpk
- Explain the result and use the program