Explain the relative worth of management jobs at the company

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131032263

Scenario: You have just started work as the new Human Resources Manager for Acme Manufacturing, a Fortune 1,000 company. The job has been vacant for six months now. You've been wondering about this, especially since reading about employee harassment incidents and fights recently in the news.

The General Manager (GM) calls you into his office the minute you arrive. He shuts the door after saying a quick word of welcome, and begins to tell you about an incident that happened last week that needs your immediate attention. The company's manufacturing operations runs three shifts of production workers so the plant is operating 24/7. Over the past six months hostilities have arisen between employees on the third and first shifts. What started out as jeering and criticisms by the first shift, claiming they have to clean up the mess and complete all of the work left undone by the third shift, has escalated to physical confrontations and altercations. Although the GM said that aggressive bantering back-and-forth is common for shift workers in manufacturing, he admitted he was worried after seeing a gun on one of the employees last week that was concealed, or so the employee thought, in a shoulder holster under this jacket. The GM said he needs your help. Specifically, he asked that you:

  • Determine and explain the appropriate disciplinary action for the employees involved in this situation and identify motivational alternatives that can help turn the situation around;
  • Draft policies and procedures that could be used in the guidance and performance management of the shift workers; and
  • Develop performance standards for the shift workers, identify appropriate methods of performance appraisal, and develop appropriate training to help get them back on track.

Feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation, you go back to your office and begin devising a plan to help get employee relations back on track, realizing that human resource policies and practices may help avert potentially dangerous situations in the future if implemented correctly.

Write a 8 to 10 page memo to the GM responding to the three concerns listed above. Be sure to cite any references used in proper APA style format. Similarity index should be 25% or less.

Question 2:

You've been in your role as Human Resources Manager of Acme Manufacturing for six months now. The employee hostilities that existed when you started your job have resolved and the shift workers are back on track, so much so that there hasn't been a single news article written about the company since your arrival. Leadership of the company has noticed this, too, and the CEO has called you to her office for a meeting.

The CEO explained that the company does not have a compensation structure for the non-represented management employees and needs to have the full gamut of HR activities performed to get this developed and approved by the board during it's upcoming meeting in two months. She handed you a report from an external consultant to the Board's Compensation Committee outlining the elements needed:

  • Develop, analyze, and explain requirements that could be used in the personnel selection process for management positions in the company
  • Determine and explain the specific methods by which job analysis, job design, position description, and specification for management positions are prepared; and
  • Explain and evaluate the relative worth of management jobs at the company and determine a compensation structure to assist retention and career management of this important element of the company's human resources.

Prepare an 8 to 10 page report for the CEO that responds to the 3 requirements listed above. The report will be used with the Board of Directors so it must be formatted professionally and cite any references used in proper APA format. Similarity should be 25% or less.

Reference no: EM131032263

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