Reference no: EM132412075
Questions -
Q1. Given the following model:
yt = α + βxt + ut
After using White's test for heteroskedasticity, we get a statistic of 8.7, is there any evidence of heteroskedasticity?
We assume any heteroskedasticity follows the form below: E(u)t2 = σ2xt
Show how you would remove the problem of heteroskedasticity and produce a constant variance error term.
Q2. Explain the relationship between the R2 statistic and the RSS.
Q3. Why is the R2 statistic not always appropriate in a multivariate regression with more than one explanatory variable? Is the adjusted R2 statistic an improvement?
Q4. If we run a regression with 50 observations and 2 explanatory variables and produce an R2 statistic of 0.36. Using a F-test, is the goodness of fit significant? In a study of the determinants of the demand for computers.
Q5. Is it preferable to have an econometric model that has as many explanatory variables as possible, or a smaller more parsimonious model? Explain some of these advantages and disadvantages.
yt = α0 + α1x1 + α2pt + α3mt + ut
yt - computer_demand
xt - national_income
pt - computer_price
mt - marketing_expenditure
A firm then wanted to determine if the price of a computer and the amount spent on marketing were jointly significant determinants. They then estimated the above unrestricted model to produce a RSS of 0.96 and a restricted version of the model (without price or marketing variables) and produced a RSS of 0.98. If there are 120 observations for the tests, are the price of a computer and marketing expenditure jointly significant?